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1. SCI급_KJO_Displacement pattern of the anterior segment using antero posterior lingual retractor combined.pdf
2. SCI급_Progress in Orthodontics_Control of anterior segment using an antero posterior lingual sliding retraction system a preliminary cone-beam CT study
3. Head&Face Medicine_Antero-posterior lingual sliding retraction system for orthodontic correction of hyperdivergent Class II protrusion.pdf
4. Hindawi_Computer-aided designing and manufacturing of lingual fixed orthodontic appliance using 2D_3D registration software and rapid prototyping(F).pdf
5. KJLO_A Treatment Approach for Lip Protrusion Using KILBON.pdf
6. The Journal of Craniofacial Surgery_Gummy Smile Correction Using Lingual Orthodontics and Augmented Corticotomy in Extremely Thin Alveolar Housing.pdf
7. KJLO_Treatment of Skeletal Class II Protrusion with Gummy Smile Using a Antero-Posterior Lingual Retractor_KJLO.pdf